Helping people through Art

I truly believe that helping people though art and culture is possible. Teaching someone to express themselves or just letting someone be shown through a creative expression. I am so grateful to be a part of planning cultural events for all people; the disabled, the homeless, the lonely and the youth. For myselfe art has... Continue Reading →

The festival!!!!

Art Exhibition. Fashion show. Live preformance. Music. Workshop. Abstract art collaborative paintings!!!! #vårfestivalsundsvall Soon its time for me to start the public art workshop on the square at our local arts center!!!!!

Young Spring Art & Our Festival

Soon its a premier for the annual spring festival for everyone called "Vår Festival" (our/spring festival) in Sweden. I have been planning this together with the local commune and the cultural arts center, Kulturmagasinet, here in Sundsvall for a while now. I am the one who is in charge for the aesthetic aspects such as... Continue Reading →

Vår Festival 2015

På lördag den 9e Maj är det premiär för den årliga festivalen Vår Festival. " #Vårfestivalsundsvall är en social, givande och rolig tillställning för ungdomar. Festivalen arrangeras av föreningar, studieförbund, sociala företag och kommunala verksamheter. Här visas och delas skapande med kreativitet, rytm med dans, kunskap med nyfikenhet, delaktighet med gemenskap." -Sundsvalls kommun Det kommer... Continue Reading →

Fashion show for the environment

So here are some pictures from the fashion show on the Young Magazine. The clothes were from the clothinglibrary Tekocirkeln in Sundsvall. I think its a great idea with clothinglibraries where you can borrow unique clothes for a small membership fee. Tekocirkeln focus on Art Nouveau inspired clothes! The youths also gave us an inspiring... Continue Reading →

Upcykling Workshop

Last weekend me and my colleague Kristina Huss led a Workshop at the local museum here in Sundsvall. The entire day was a celebration for the environment and earth hour. We gathered a bunch of old jewelery, left over pearls, fabrics and what not that we and our friends had. An industrial company donated metal... Continue Reading →

150 peeps at the gallery!

So the gallery opening at Galleri Granen was a success! About 150 people (a friend of mine counted) attended throughout the day and people got to try out the graphics technique "drypoint" live in the gallery with me and a few others supervising.

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