
Yesterday I tried a new technique together with the graphics group called Monotyping. You basically lay different oil colors (or watercolor) on a flat surface and the press the paper upon it in a graphics press. Often abstract color effects occur and there is no need for making an etching or patterns. The method is a bit faster than other graphical methods and it was quite liberating experimenting with colors like that.

Its not really my style but I figured I can print patterns on top of them later to tell the story I want to tell. Anyway this is what I ended up doing:



Have you ever tried Printmaking? Which method do you prefer? Dry point, Copper etchings, Monotype, Collagraphs… It would be nice to hear what you guys like.

4 thoughts on “Monotyping

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  1. Hello, I went throug this and actually I was doing it a lot back some years ago. I have in my profile atm only 4 from those. Btw, I never used a press. I would just rather user my hands instead of the press (well, I dont have one).

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